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Infographics at UTolima

· One min read
Juan Carlos
Arroyo Sosa

From 2016 to 2021 I had the beautiful experience in the role of professor for Infographics at University of Tolima. I learned and shared a lot during those years of teaching.

With a practical approach, this course presents the evolution of infographics, the workshop focus on the core questions:

  • what is infographics?
  • what are infographics for?
  • and how we can made infographics?

Based on the idea that infographics in the field of communication can be understood as a journalistic genre, during the course we explore the possibilities of creation and think on the theoretical field of image research and visual studies.

Class pics

Student project analog infographics

registro de clase infografía

Data collecting in public space

registro de clase infografía